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Douglas Industries, Inc.

Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame

The classic, durable Douglas® Batting tunnel frame has withstood the test of time and been manufactured for over 30 years. With the Douglas® Batting Tunnel frame your poles can be set at your desired length and can also be adjusted to fit custom net widths. Standard batting tunnel lengths are 55’/70’/75’ and widths are 12’/14’ wide. The unique frame design allows for the tunnel’s net to easily be adjusted at any time after the initial installation. The double and triple frame system is installed with a shared-pole multiple cage design setup, eliminating the need for extra poles and ground footings.
CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame
CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame

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Douglas® Triple Batting Tunnel Frame, 50'/70'/75'


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