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Overhead Door™ Brand

RapidFlex® 994 - Strutted Exterior Heavy-Duty High Speed Fabric Door

RapidFlex​® Model 994 is a strutted, heavy-duty exterior high speed fabric door that is perfect for large openings and is best suited for manufacturing, mining, auto/transit, and parking garage applications. It features an independently tested wind load of up to 22.0 psf. The RapidFlex​® Model 994 includes industry-leading standard safety features such as reversing edge, two sets of infrared obstruction detection sensors and door stop device.

Our RapidFlex​® Model 994 ​high speed heavy-duty exterior door is a perfect door solution for parking garages, mining, auto/transit and manufacturing facilities.​

CAD Drawings BIM Models Overhead Door™ Brand RapidFlex® 994 - Strutted Exterior Heavy-Duty High Speed Fabric Door

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RapidFlex® 994 - Strutted Exterior Heavy-Duty High Speed Fabric Door
RapidFlex® 994 - Strutted Exterior Heavy-Duty High Speed Fabric Door

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