S.I. Storey Lumber Company, Inc. |
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S.I. Storey Lumber Company, Inc.

TimBarrier™: StreetGuard™ Buried End Terminal

Designed to meet the special needs of Developers and land planners, StreetGuard™ is the safety barrier solution that enhances the landscape. Intended for use along low speed roadways in parks, private developments and sub-divisions, StreetGuard™ is the aesthetic alternative to traditional galvanized steel W-beam guardrail.

Similar in concept to the steel backed timber barrier used in national parks, StreetGuard™ was designed to utilize conventional timber components and less steel, resulting in an aesthetic barrier that installs quickly and easily at a price that won't break your budget. StreetGuard™ is, by design, an aesthetic barrier. It is intended to be utilized in applications where vehicle speeds do not exceed 25 mph.
CAD Drawings S.I. Storey Lumber Company, Inc. TimBarrier™: StreetGuard™ Buried End Terminal

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TimBarrier™: StreetGuard™ Buried End Terminal

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