Greenfields Outdoor Fitness |
Designers Microsite
Greenfields Outdoor Fitness

Valencia High School
Los Lunas, NM, USA

Project Details

Los Lunas, NM, USA

Big kids still wanna be kids! And now, the possibility of creating ninja courses in public spaces is filling a critical gap - providing fun yet challenging ways for tweens and teens to let off their energy in unstructured but positive ways.

Once kids age out of playgrounds, they typically won't engage in physical activity in parks unless they participate in team sports. Ninja courses, however, have an ability to level the playing field and get older kids moving.

Of course there are the obvious physical benefits of getting moving, but that's not all - Ninja courses are also:

1) A connection builder - Traditional sports are a great way for teachers (or rec supervisors, in park settings) to build connections with the youth, and ninja courses offer the same opportunities.

2) Confidence booster - One teen who’d been getting treatment for cancer was afraid to do low-level physical movements. A mentor took her to the course and observed the “uplift” in her mood when she was able to use part of the course and experience “the feeling of being able to do something - versus everyone else telling her she can’t.”

3) A new, attractive option - You won't often find high schoolers on playgrounds, and Greenfields' four X-Treme Ninja Courses provide an opportunity for unstructured physical activity that fills a gap of play and fun in this age group.

4) A way to discover new strengths - Kids that haven't played traditional sports can explore fitness and discover athletic ability. This could make way for kids to give sports a try.

Engage tweens and teens with a new, exciting X-Treme Ninja Course by Greenfields Outdoor Fitness!

Products and Design Files

Project Resource Files

X-Treme Ninja