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IR Energy Inc.

Toronto Christmas Market
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Project Details

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Project Year

The most wonderful time of the year has arrived, and what better way to enjoy it than getting all bundled up and visiting the historic Distillery District for the Toronto Christmas Market. For the ninth year in a row, the Distillery District has been transformed into an outright winter wonderland, featuring musicians, artisans, food vendors, and more; creating an experience that speaks to all of the senses.

Young children glow with expectation to see Santa and his reindeer, while parents sneak a kiss under the mistletoe; their cheeks rosy from the chilly December air. A quick bite of hand-crafted poutine and a sip of mulled wine warms the heart, increasing the already mounting excitement for the holiday season. Toronto at Christmas is an incredible sight to behold, but paired with a month of festivities beforehand, it extends the magic of the holidays.

With lights aglow and a tree to stand in awe of, visitors find it hard to pass up the chance to spend an evening with friends and family in one of the most iconic cityscapes that Toronto has to offer. Pair the evening with a meal enjoyed under a soft snowfall, and a wonderful night out soon becomes perfect.

The chill of the season may be in the air, but strategically placed outdoor heaters emanate warmth allowing hours to be spent enjoying the festival and all that it holds. This year, it was our pleasure to be invited to help Torontonians #staywarm with 17 evenGLO patio heaters dotted throughout the market.

Madrina Tapas, a new edition to the market that marries seasonal ingredients with the delicacies of Spain, invited us to heat their outdoor patio space, allowing families and friends to enjoy delicious shareables under the glow of the light displays scattered throughout. Featuring a mix of 13 fix mounted and portable evenGLO heaters, it’s definitely the place to warm the hands while warming the heart.

We feel absolutely privileged to have been asked to provide outdoor heating solutions for this year’s market and hope that all of those who visit will stay comfortable throughout the day no matter the weather or the breeze that rolls off Lake Ontario. The Toronto Christmas Market is just one of many ways that IR Energy is working with hospitality and restaurant groups to elevate an already outstanding experience for all.

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