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Purchase Green

Turf Solutions for Pet Owners

Project Details

No more odor build-up or brown spots, but instead a reliably green lawn all year round with only minimal upkeep necessary. Purchase Green Artificial Grass offers toxin-free, antimicrobial, heat-resistant, and surprisingly realistic grasses that will leave you wondering why you haven’t made the switch already!

Product Performance and Durability: Purchase Green has over 30 variations of grass to choose from, but not every product will have the right performance specifications that your unique project might require. For instance, Purchase Green recommends shorter, denser grasses for pet applications, as they tend to be much easier to keep clean from pet waste, as well as grasses with a more structurally supported blade shape to help impede the forming of traffic patterns over time.

Odor is Preventable: Odor build-up is arguably the most expressed concern from pet owners when exploring the idea of installing artificial grass for their home – and understandably so! Oftentimes there is the misconception that turf will always smell no matter what, but fortunately this isn’t true. Odor prevention is primarily supported by the application of infills designed for pets, such as Herofill, Mellowfill, or Zeodorizer. These infills are infused with anti-fungal protection and other naturally occurring substances – such as Zinc, ZPT, ZOE or Zeolite – to significantly reduce odor build-up caused by ammonia from pet urine.

Furthermore, topical enzymatic cleaning solutions that are specially formulated for artificial grass are excellent for both preventative measures as well as treating presently odorous lawns. Solutions like Turf Bomb are easy to use and often only need to be applied bi-weekly. Lastly, Purchase Green now offers artificial grasses that are infused with silver ion additives, to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that contribute to odor build-up.

Your Pet’s Safety is Our Priority: It’s durable, long-lasting, beautiful, and smells clean – but is it safe? Yes! Purchase Green’s artificial grasses are produced to be non-toxic, flame retardant, and virtually lead-free, giving our pet parents even more peace of mind. Test results are available for download in our product listings or by request with an employee. Moreover, heat retention in turf is another common topic with pet owners – as plastics due retain heat from prolonged sun exposure. To combat this, Purchase Green produces artificial grasses with specific blade shapes and additives in the fibers to reduce heat retention by up to 20% when compared to similar non-treated grasses. Such products are labeled as Cool Yarn.

Project Resource Files

Pet Turf Brochure